
How to get started, and achieve tasks, using Kubernetes

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Deploying DNS

Get the template file

First of all, download the dns template

skydns template

Set environment variables

Then you need to set DNS_REPLICAS, DNS_DOMAIN and DNS_SERVER_IP envs

$ export DNS_REPLICAS=1

$ export DNS_DOMAIN=cluster.local # specify in startup parameter `--cluster-domain` for containerized kubelet 

$ export DNS_SERVER_IP=  # specify in startup parameter `--cluster-dns` for containerized kubelet 

Replace the corresponding value in the template and create the pod

$ sed -e "s/{{ pillar\['dns_replicas'\] }}/${DNS_REPLICAS}/g;s/{{ pillar\['dns_domain'\] }}/${DNS_DOMAIN}/g;s/{{ pillar\['dns_server'\] }}/${DNS_SERVER_IP}/g" > ./skydns.yaml

# If the kube-system namespace isn't already created, create it
$ kubectl get ns
$ kubectl create namespace kube-system

$ kubectl create -f ./skydns.yaml

Test if DNS works

Follow this link to check it out.
